"my father once said to me that the greatest thing to do in life is to live like there is no tomorrow"
when we stand before the wise and learn, we become wise as well and shape the future generation.
Rick Netshiozwi
Marriage Counselling
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Book your marriage counselling with Rick Netshiozwi, a seasoned counselor with two decades of experience. His profound insights and compassionate guidance can help you build a stronger marriage. Counselling Bookings | 💸 Professional counselling is 2 hours per session, R 1500/$100 total. 📍 All sessions are held either online or at the church or business premises. | 🚫 Sessions are non-refundable once paid for and fully booked (Only dates are changeable)
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Rick Netshiozwi is a businessman, marriage counselor, keynote speaker, and devoted husband and father to three remarkable, strong, and purpose-driven sons. As a passionate expert in marriage, he dedicates much of his time to addressing the needs of broken marriages and assisting newlyweds in building strong, formidable unions. His business acumen has led him to invest considerable effort in expanding his expertise in saving, building, and advancing businesses.
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Do you want Rick Netshiozwi to grace your event, whether business or church based including seminars? This your your portal. Kindly observe the information written and follow the link to process a formal booking. For both local and international bookings, no images of Rick Netshiozwi may be used in any form without written confirmation and finalization of the booking from the office. All images of Rick Netshiozwi are the exclusive property of the "Rick Netshiozwi Company," and no church or organization is permitted to use these images without explicit consent.